The player is not restricted in the number of actions that can be performed in a single day. Management takes place in continuous turns events occur in "days" which can last less than a second up to half a minute depending on the speed setting, but individual days cannot be paused and managed as turns (the player can pause but cannot do anything while paused). Conquest can be accomplished through both diplomacy and military force, and the player must always keep in mind the popular support levels of the various systems and how the player's actions may affect these. Management takes place on a system-wide level, meaning that all elements of the game are isolated to specific planetary systems or planets. In the management portion of the game, the player controls many aspects of his or her side, from resources and manufacturing facilities to space fleets and ground troops. Taking place immediately after the film Star Wars: A New Hope, Rebellion places the player in control of either the Rebellion or Empire, with the objective of overthrowing the opposing side and taking control of the galaxy. Star Wars: Rebellion (released as Star Wars: Supremacy in Europe) is a strategy/management hybrid game set in the Star Wars universe.